
Which Book is better for Physical Chemistry OP AGARWAL (IIT CHEMISTRY) or O P TANDON (Physical Chemistry)

Which Book is better for Physical Chemistry OP AGARWAL (IIT CHEMISTRY) or O P TANDON (Physical Chemistry)


1 Answers

Umakant biswal
5349 Points
8 years ago
@ armash 
u need to develope your problem solving skills to master physical chemistry . 
first do the ncert 2 times , 
then proceed with physical chemistry by o.p tandon and practice each and every problem from it , u can check out the p. bahadur books also , 
at the end of the preparation take out the handbook of chemistry or rapid chemistry by arihant / mtg , they will help u in quick revision . 
u can always refer to the askiitian study material and self study package for the best preparation and clearing the concept 

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