
what sre ‘non resolvable’ isomers

what sre ‘non resolvable’ isomers


5 Answers

Aarti Gupta
askIITians Faculty 300 Points
9 years ago
Interconversion is the characteristic of nearly every set of conformational isomers which are also stereoisomers as they also differ in the way their atoms are orientated in space.But in case of stereoisomers interconvertibility is of great practical significance as it limits their isolability.Stereoisomers are of two types-
1.Hard -to- interconvert and
2. Easy-to- inetconvert
Hard-to interconvert isomers can be separated,,studied individually and their optical activity can be measured.But easy to inerconvert can not be separated,single isolated isomers cannot be studied and optical activity cannot be observed.Since any such chiral molecules are present only as non-resolvable racemic modifications.Such isomers that cannot be separated are reffered to as non-resolvable isomers.
13 Points
9 years ago
they are simply meso compound
13 Points
9 years ago
they are simply meso compound
13 Points
9 years ago
they are simply meso compound
Ananya Dey
11 Points
7 years ago
Non resolvable compounds include:1)symmetrical comp.Eg:benzene, CH42)Meso3)Topomerisation(Interconvertible enantiomers):~amine inversion~carbanion~ring flip

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