
what is the formula if tollen’s reagent and explain with reactions?

what is the formula if tollen’s reagent and explain with reactions?

Grade:12th pass

3 Answers

41 Points
8 years ago
Tollens ragent is i mixture of ammmonical silver nitrate and amonium hydroxide is called tollens reagent.It is used to prepare aldehydes and ketones.
159 Points
8 years ago
the formula for the tollens reagent is AgNo3+NH4OH.this is used in the identifying the aldehyde or ketone.may be given compound contains aldehyde reacted with tollens reagent it will forms silver mirror.ketone does not form silver mirror
aryan singh
29 Points
5 years ago
]OH .this is used in the identifying the aldehyde or ketone.this is also known as shilver mirror test and given by all aldehydes and for ketone only a-hydroxy ketones gives this test(a is alpha here).3)2 OR simply [Ag(NH- OH+]3)2the formula for the tollens reagent is [Ag(NH
RCHO  +  2[[Ag(NH3)2]+OH-      ----------------->       RCOONH +  2Ag  +3NH3  +  H2O

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