
what hundicker reaction?give equation and explain it?

what hundicker reaction?give equation and explain it?


2 Answers

Prabhakar ch
577 Points
8 years ago
The reaction mechanism of the Hunsdiecker reaction is believed to involve organic radical intermediates. The silver salt of the carboxylic acid 1 will quickly react with bromine to form the acyl hypohalite intermediate 2. Formation of the diradical pair 3 allows for radical decarboxylation to form the diradical pair 4, which will quickly recombine to form the desired organic halide 5.
153 Points
8 years ago
The reaction mechanism of the Hunsdiecker reaction is believed to involve organic radicalintermediates. The silver salt of the carboxylic acid 1 will quickly react with bromine to form theacyl hypohalite intermediate 2. Formation of the diradical pair 3 allows for radical decarboxylation to form the diradical pair 4, which will quickly recombine to form the desired organic halide 5

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