
how can we know the increasing or decreasing order of sn1,sn2,b etc?

how can we know the increasing or decreasing order of sn1,sn2,b etc?

Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

Jayant Kishore
144 Points
8 years ago
Here you have to keep in mind some facts . Firstly , primary alkyl halides readily go for sn2 
CH3X > C2H5X and so on
Secondary alkyl halides go for sn2 at slower rate than sn1 .Also, in this case solvent matters , in case of polar protic solvent they go for sn1 rather than sn2.
Tertiary does not go for sn2 rather it goes for sn1.
Remember for sn2 i)more +ve charge density and ii) less hinderance  is favourable.
For sn1 rate is proportional to the carbocation stability. More stable carbocation faster rate.
Approve the answer if correct.

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