
Hello ma'am/sir, I'm confused at the questions related to dipole moment. Questions like out of the given compds, whose dipole moment is zero or arrange the given compds in the inc order of their dipole moments.So, kindly tell how do we decide that the dipole moment of a compd is zero and how are the moments of two differnt compds compared like which is less or which is more ?

Hello ma'am/sir,

I'm confused at the questions related to dipole moment. Questions like out of the given compds, whose dipole moment is zero or arrange the given compds in the inc order of their dipole moments.So, kindly tell how do we decide that the dipole moment of a compd is zero and how are the moments of two differnt compds compared like which is less or which is more ?

Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

Sunil Kumar FP
askIITians Faculty 183 Points
10 years ago
dipole moment is bsically the product of charge and distance it is a vector quantity.its dire tion is towards the highlyelectonegtivity atom in the periodic table.suppose for ncl dipole moment will be toeards cl.
if youvare familar with the syructure then its esy tp predict the direction of dipole moment hence expect wether it would be o or not.
suppose CS2 molecule it is linear and hVe symmetry
so its dipole moment s o. s is a more electronegative so the dire tion is c to s ans since the molecule is symmetry its dupole molment is 0.similarly co2 mole ule.

cis and trans molecule
cis dipole moment is greater than trans form.
simple it is vector addition greatr the angle berween bond greater is the dipole moment.
to determine orientTion im benzene ring
for dichlorobenzene
reason bind angle and direction of polarity.

lastly see the electronegativity,know bond angle approx it would help
further doubt ask one example

thanks and regards
sunil kr
askIItan faculty

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