
Glycerol is oxidized by bismuth nitrate to produce : oxalic acid Mesooxalic acid Glyceric acid Glyoxalic acid

Glycerol is oxidized by bismuth nitrate to produce :
  1. oxalic acid
  2. Mesooxalic acid
  3. Glyceric acid
  4. Glyoxalic acid

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2 Answers

Aarti Gupta
askIITians Faculty 300 Points
9 years ago
Glycerol is an trihydric alcohol whose IUPAC name is propane-1, 2, 3-triol.It gives different oxidation products depending on the nature of oxidizing agent.With bismuth nitrate,it gives mailnly mesooxalic acid COOH-CO-COOH
Oxidation with bismuth nitrate--
(CH2OH)2CHOH -----------> (COOH)2CO
Thus option (2) will be the correct answer.

Aditya Sharma
38 Points
9 years ago
Thanks for the answer I'm searching for the proper soln of it....

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