Flag Inorganic Chemistry> Give a brief note on denticity and mono,b...
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Give a brief note on denticity and mono,bi,ambidented ligand respectively

md tabish aman , 7 Years ago
Grade 12th
anser 3 Answers
Mahima Kanawat

Last Activity: 7 Years ago

Denticity refers to the number of donor groups in a single ligand that bind to a central atom in a coordination complexMonodentate - donate 1 e- pair ex. NH3Bidentate ~ donate 2 e- pair ex.ethylene diamineAmbidentate ~ ligand that coordinate with metal by different atom Ex CN~ { cyanide ion}

Deepak Kumar

Last Activity: 7 Years ago

Denticity in simple words is the electron pair donating ability of a ligand. For example - NH3 can donate 1 electron pair. Also, depending upon the no. of electron pair a ligand can donate, ligands can be monodentate ( ligand can donate 1 electron pair e.g. NH3, Cl- etc.) Bidentate ( ligand can donate 2 electrons pair e.g. C2O4 -2 , Ethylene diamine etc. ). Ambidentate ( ligand can donate though two different atoms e.g. in NCS- and SCN- , donating atoms are N and S respectively)

Ritik raghuwanshi

Last Activity: 4 Years ago

To check denticity of a ligand in a complex compound we have to know about the no. Of bonds which our ligand is making with C.M.A./C.M.I.  or it can said like just see that how many lone pair of electrons being donated to CMA by ligand.....
See a legend can be a atom or a molecule
If it is atom then clearly it is mono dentate but when comes to the ligand which are molecular then check that out of all atoms present only one has lone pair of electrons.. 
Na if yes it is mono. (No matter that one atom has how many no. Of lone pairs) 
Ambi - where the ligand which is in molecular form has more than one atom which has lone pair of electrons.      i.e. it has more than one donating site but at a time only one donating site will donate .. 
Bi - here the ligand has ✌ (2) donating sites and out of those two dono ki dono sites donate lone pair....... 

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