
why benzaldehyde do not respond to fehling's test?

why benzaldehyde do not respond to fehling's test?


2 Answers

Vikas V
19 Points
14 years ago

Benzaldehyde is a mixture of equal volumes of 2 solutions namely, Fehling solution A and Fehling solution B.

Fehling solution A consists of CuSO4 solution

Fehling solution B consists of NaOH+Roschelle's salt..

Benzaldehyde easily reacts with this NaOH in rochelle's salt instead of reacting with CuSO4 .. Hence Benzaldehyde doesnt react with fehling solution..


Extra: Rochelle's salt is sodium potassium tartate..

structure:    COONa


             H--- C --OH


          OH--- C -- H



11 Points
7 years ago
Aromatic compounds don`t give enols. One of them is benzaldehyde. The reason behind this is it don`t give fehling `s test as it don`t have alpha hydrogen.

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