Flag Organic Chemistry> plzz plzz help...
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Respected sir.,

With a heartfull gratitude,

As jee 2010 is coming nearer and nearer my stress is increasing.at this time I am not able to make out ,whether I should focus on board or shold focus for iit jee .


One thing more sir ,

I am afraid sir that my selection in jee 2010 will be affected because I am lacking in organic chemisty.sir i am not able  to understand organic reactions.sir please give me

Some studying technique regarding organic chemistry so that my selection in jee 2010    is not  affected.

Sir in organic chemistry my condition is pathetic.sir please give some tips so that because

Of chemistry my selection is not affected.

Sir plz! Plz ! you can only help me.



Yours faithfully,

Sagar Kandpal


Class Xii A

sagar kandpal , 15 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 1 Answers
Badiuddin askIITians.ismu Expert

Last Activity: 15 Years ago

Dear sagar

Its very important time for students,From now you should start working hard.

for 12th standard most effective and possible way is

besides school and coaching hour you should give 4-5 hour in your home for IIT JEE Prepration.

and for the rest of your board subject except(P C M) you can give 2 hour per day .

If you are 12th passed student to you can more time for JEE prepration
You have 4 month left and this is sufficient for revision

I will suggest you to start from the begning. first revise your old notes in the same order as you was tought in coaching.

also refer good books of that topic. then solve standard question from books and IIT study material

and after finish the topic solve question of that topic from previous IIT JEE papers.
I will also suggest you to join test series.it will help you a lot for you prepration.

you can join online test series it will save your time.

Here i am maintioning few chapter .prepear well these chapter because more question were asked from these chapter.


calculus, Vectors, Complex numbers, co-ordinate geometry(2D+3D) Quadratic equations.


Optics, Modern physics, Thermodynamics, A/C circuits, Fluid mechanics, Experiments.


                 Solid state, chemica bonding, Aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, Alkenes,

                alkynes, stereo and geometrical isomerism, transition elements, coordiantion compounds,

               electro chemistry, kinetics and equilibrium.

Prepear all topic and give more stress to above topics.
Just stay calm and focus on understanding rather than mugging. Be regular in class and stay with concepts.


and regarding the organic .it is not possible to discuss whole organic chemistry here in single post ,whereever u feel difficulty post your question here .and u will get ur solution.

Please feel free to post as many doubts on our discussion forum as you can. If you find any question Difficult to understand - post it here

and we will get you the answer and detailed solution very quickly.
 We are all IITians and here to help you in your IIT JEE preparation.

 All the best.

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