
what is the mechanism of a cannizaro reaction

what is the mechanism of a cannizaro reaction


2 Answers

27 Points
11 years ago

1. the attack of oh- as a nucleophile on the 1st molecule

2. h- transfer from 1st to 2nd molecule

3. h(plus) from carboxylic acid to alkoxide

Vikash Kumar
36 Points
11 years ago


as shown above the cannizzaro reaction begins with the attack of hydroxide ion on th C=O group. the second step is the rate determining step of the reaction as it is difficult to break C-H bond and tranfer hydride to carbonyl carbon of other group and making it alcohol by gaining H+ from solvent or from COOH portion as shown in the second figure of the first reaction. so it is a redox reaction of an aldehyde lacking hydrogen at the alpha position into its alcohol and corresponding carboxyllic acid.

vikash kumar

Btech. IIT Delhi

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