
Please tell me how can we determine more acidic strenght with the help of inductive effect?Is it true that -I effect is directly proportional to acidic strenght so as -I increases acidic strenght increass?which shows more -I effect NH3+ or COOH IT WAS ASKED IN IIT-JEE 2003.pLEASE HELP SOON

Please tell me how can we determine more acidic strenght with the help of inductive effect?Is it true that -I effect is directly proportional to acidic strenght so as -I increases acidic strenght increass?which shows more -I effect NH3+ or COOH IT WAS ASKED IN IIT-JEE 2003.pLEASE HELP SOON


2 Answers

Prajwal kr
49 Points
11 years ago

Yes, -I effect boosts acidic nature. CooH is more acidic.

onkar kumar
33 Points
11 years ago

It is perfectly correct that acidic strength of the acids is directly related to the electron withdrawing power -I groups.

 As -I power increases acidic strength increases.

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