Last Activity: 10 Years ago
Dear Student
Preparation of Alkanes:
1. Reduction of Alkyl Halides:
RX + Zn: + H+ → RH + Zn2++ X-
4RX + LiAlH4 → 4RH + LiX + AlX3(X≠ F)
RX + (n - C4H9)3SnH → R-H + (n - C4H9)3SnX
2. Wurtz Reaction:
2RX + 2Na → R-R + 2NaX
2Na + 2CH3CH2CH2Cl → CH3CH2CH2CH2-CH2CH3+ 2NaCl
3. Decarboxylation of a mixture of the sodium salt of a carboxylic acid:
RCOONa +NaOH(CaO) → RH + Na2CO3
7. Kolbe's electrolytic method:
2 RCOOK + 2H2O → R-R + 2CO2+ H2+ 2KOH
Chemical Properties of Alkane
1. Direct Halogenation
RH+ X2→ RX + HX
Order of Reactivity of X2: F2> Cl2> Br2; I2does not react
2. Combustion:
C2H6+ 7O2→ CO2+6H2O + heat
3. Oxidization of 30alkane: