
Why only THF (tetrahydro furan) or cyclic ethers are used as solvents in oxymercuration demercuration???

Why only THF (tetrahydro furan) or cyclic ethers are used as solvents in oxymercuration demercuration???


2 Answers

Aman Bansal
592 Points
12 years ago

Daer Swapnil,

Step 1: 
The p electrons act as the nucleophile with the electrophilic Hg and loss of an acetate ion as a leaving group, forming the mercurinium ion.


Step 2: 
Water functions as a nucleophile and attacks one of the mercury substituted carbons resulting in cleavage of the C-Hg bond.

Step 3: 
The acetate ion functions as a base deprotonating the oxonium ion to give the alcohol. This completes the oxymercuration part of the reaction.
Step 4:
The hydride reduces the Hg off, creating a C-H bond while breaking the C-Hg bond. This is the demercuration part of the process.

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Aman Bansal

Askiitian Expert

Swapnil Saxena
102 Points
12 years ago

Still dont get it .

Why only THF is used not any other solvents like straight chain ethers ? ? ? Does THF play any specific role in the reaction???

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