
32.46 ml of nitrogen measured at STP is relesed when 0.1g of a primary amine is acted upon by excess of nitrous acid.. R-NH 2 +HNO 2 gives R-OH+N 2 +H 2 O.calculate molar mass of amine..

32.46 ml of nitrogen measured at STP is relesed when 0.1g of a primary amine is acted upon by excess of nitrous acid..       R-NH2+HNO2 gives R-OH+N2+H2O.calculate molar mass of amine..


1 Answers

25750 Points
4 years ago
Dear student
let its molar mass be m then by stiochiometry 0.1/m = 32.46/(1000*22.4) or m = 69g
Hope it helps

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