
Arrange the organic acids in decreasing order of acididty: 1. o-nitrophenol 2. o-hydroxobenzoicacid 3. p-hydroxobenjoicacid 4. toluic acid

Arrange the organic acids in decreasing order of acididty:

1. o-nitrophenol

2. o-hydroxobenzoicacid

3. p-hydroxobenjoicacid

4. toluic acid


1 Answers

Harish R
37 Points
13 years ago

hi Rupa,

the answer should be o-hydroxybenzoicacid. you can rule out options 1 and 3 as -COOH any day more acidic than -OH and in 3 there is resonance making it somewhat stable.

o-hydroxybenzoic acid is more acidic due to ortho effect. -OH when substituted at ortho position causes steric hinderance taking the -COOH group out of plane of the ring and reducing the resonance. This facilitates the easy removal of H+ and makes it more acidic......

please approve if you like my answer


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