
13) An amine was treated with Hinsberg reagent. the product formed was insoluble in alkali and which on acidification gave a clear solution The amine is (A) primary amine. (B) secondary amine (C) qutarnery amine (D) tertiary amine Give me the ans ....give me the right ans.... I will surely approve..I thnk the ans is Secondary amine but am i right????

13) An amine was treated with Hinsberg reagent. the product formed was insoluble in alkali and which on acidification gave a clear solution The amine is

(A) primary amine.

(B) secondary amine

(C) qutarnery amine

(D) tertiary amine

Give me the ans ....give me the right ans....

I will surely approve..I thnk the ans is Secondary amine but am i right????


2 Answers

abhishek ganguly
8 Points
13 years ago

Yes the answer is secondary amine as primary amine forms alkali soluble product while tertiary and quarternary amines do not react

Mainak Chakraborty
34 Points
13 years ago

Yep, it is secondary amine as primary amine is soloble in alkali bcs of a- H, secondary amine is insoluble bcs of no a-H & tert. & quaternary amines don't react

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