
Please tell me in detail how to find no of geometrical isomer and no of optical isomers of a given compound and sir does R-Z AND E-S configuration in syllabus

Please tell me in detail how to find no of geometrical isomer and no of optical isomers of a given compound
and sir does R-Z AND E-S configuration in syllabus


1 Answers

AskiitianExpert Shine
10 Points
15 years ago


For a molecule with multiple chiral centers, the number of possible diastereomers is given by the equation:

 x = 2n
where x is the number of possible isomers and n is the number of stereogenic centers. Thus, for molecules with two stereogenic centers there are four possible stereoisomers. For cholesterol, with eight stereogenic centers, there are 256 possible stereoisomers, etc.

To know a detailed method then please follow the link: or .

RZ and ES are included in the syllabus.

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