
Respected sir, I would be really pleased to know that how we will name a oraganic cyclo copound having both bicylo as well as spiro nature. Aviral Anurag Tripathi Aryabhatta Batch

Respected sir,

I would be really pleased to know that how we will  name a oraganic cyclo copound having both bicylo as well as spiro nature. 

Aviral Anurag Tripathi

Aryabhatta Batch 



3 Answers

AskiitianExpert Shine
10 Points
15 years ago


I have not come across any compound which is both Spiro as well as bicyclo , can u forward me any compound so that i can name it. Moreover , since the bicyclo compounds are itself very much strained, so attaching another ring to form a spiro compd too is low in probability due to steric hindrance and stability reasons.

You forward me with the details of the compound , so that i can work on it.

Vijay Luxmi Askiitiansexpert
357 Points
15 years ago


Nomenclature of Bicyclo and Spiro Compounds

Bicyclo compounds contain two fused rings with the help of a bridge.  We use the name of the alkane corresponding to the total number of carbon atoms as the base name. The carbon atoms common to both the rings are called bridge heads, each bond or chain of atoms connecting the bridgehead atoms, is called a bridge.


While naming the bicycloalkane we write an expression between the word bicycle and alkane (in square bracket), that denotes the number of carbon atoms in each bridge. The numerals are written in descending order and the numbers are separated by full stops.

Thanks !!

Vijay Luxmi Askiitiansexpert
357 Points
15 years ago

Dear Aviral,

This topic is not under JEE and AIEEE syllabus.

Nomenclature of Bicyclo and Spiro Compounds

Bicyclo compounds contain two fused rings with the help of a bridge.  We use the name of the alkane corresponding to the total number of carbon atoms as the base name. The carbon atoms common to both the rings are called bridge heads, each bond or chain of atoms connecting the bridgehead atoms, is called a bridge.


While naming the bicycloalkane we write an expression between the word bicycle and alkane (in square bracket), that denotes the number of carbon atoms in each bridge. The numerals are written in descending order and the numbers are separated by full stops.

Thanks !!

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