
Depict the galvonic cell in which the reaction Zn(s) +2Ag(aq) = Zn(aq) + 2Ag(S)

Depict the galvonic cell in which the reaction

Zn(s) +2Ag(aq) = Zn(aq) + 2Ag(S)


1 Answers

Sher Mohammad IIT Delhi
askIITians Faculty 174 Points
10 years ago
The galvanic cell in which the given reaction takes place is depicted as:
(i)Zn electrode act ads anode in galvanic cell so it will be negatively charged.
(ii)Electrons move anode to cathodein the external circuit, and the direction of flow of current is always opposite to the flow of electron so that current will flow from silver(cathode) to zinc(anode).
Zn(s) ––– > Zn2+(aq) + 2e
At cathode
Ag++e––– >Ag(s)

sher mohammad, iit delhi

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