
Actually ,My physics is some what weak .. Which book would you prefer me to help me score well in physics

Actually ,My physics is some what weak .. Which book would you prefer me to help me score well in physics


9 Answers

Ujjwal Khandelwal
16 Points
7 years ago
You should solve a solved book which would help you in doing any type of question and remember that their should be a variety of questions, not similar type of questions which will help you in future in tackling varieties of questions without any problem.
24 Points
7 years ago
i think u should solve CONCEPTS OF PHYSICS BY H.C.VERMA and also the book named problems in general physics by I.E.IRODOV
46 Points
7 years ago
Follow the pradeep`s physics book or h.c verma or s.l arora book ..mif you want to do good in your board exam only then read only those topic which are in your syllabus...otherwise read the whole book,it will help you!
Ankit yadav
26 Points
6 years ago
The book of arihant publication,written by d.c PANDEY is the best book covering all the syllabus and the book is really helpful .
52 Points
6 years ago
Follow the pradeep`s physics book or h.c verma or s.l arora book ..mif you want to do good in your board exam only then read only those topic which are in your syllabus...otherwise read the whole book,it will help you! snd which class are U?
119 Points
6 years ago
HC Verma is Physics Bible. If your physics is weak, restrict yourself to HC Verma and DC Pandey. Don’t solve IE Irodov, so early. They contain high level problems. First solve these two books thoroughly. Then try Irodov. You should also solve previous years JEE question. Good luck :-)
142 Points
6 years ago
If you want to stronger your concepts go for hc verma physics or concepts of physics by hc verma .Dont solve ie irodov if you have less time solve only limited no of problem but solve with clarity
Rishabh Ranjan
63 Points
6 years ago
Brother, if you are having conceptual problems in physics, then FIRST study NCERT textbooks. After that I would recommend you to study HC Verma. If you think that you have mastered the content of the chapter which you are currently reading, then solve problems from IE Irodov for challenging questions of that topic. Further, you can solve DC Pandey if you have time left. 
Remember, your fundamentals about any topic should be clear.
Rahul P A
17 Points
6 years ago
  • NCERT Textbooks
  • Concepts of Physics Vol I and II by H.C. Verma (Highly Recommended)
  • Fundamentals of Physics by Halliday, Resnick & Walker
  • Problems in General Physics by I.E. Irodov
  • IIT Physics by D.C. Pandey
  • Problems in Physics by S.S. Krotov

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