
A mixture of two miscible volatile ideal liquids P and Q (obeying Raoult’s law) is kept in a vessel (molar ratio of P and Q in the mixture is m). At a suitable temperature T, the vapour above the liquid is condensed in another vessel. The liquid obtained on con- densation is allowed to evaporate and establish equilibrium with its vapour. The vapour is then condensed in another vessel. The process of such evaporation and condensation is repeated for n times. If the ratio of the vapour pressure of pure P to that of pure Q is p, the molar ratio of P and Q in the condensed liquid obtained after nth cycle (for finite n > 1) is

A mixture of two miscible volatile ideal liquids P and Q (obeying Raoult’s law) is kept
in a vessel (molar ratio of P and Q in the mixture is m). At a suitable temperature T,
the vapour above the liquid is condensed in another vessel. The liquid obtained on con-
densation is allowed to evaporate and establish equilibrium with its vapour. The vapour
is then condensed in another vessel. The process of such evaporation and condensation
is repeated for n times. If the ratio of the vapour pressure of pure P to that of pure Q is
p, the molar ratio of P and Q in the condensed liquid obtained after nth cycle (for finite
n > 1) is


1 Answers

25750 Points
6 years ago
Dear student
I am getting my answer as 
pn/2 mn/2 
Please check and let me know
Arun (askIITians forum expert)

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