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a galavano meter having resistance of 50 ohm gives full scale deflection for a current of 0.05 A the length in the meter of a resistance wire of area of croos section 0.00297 that can be used to convert the galavanometer in to ammeter which can read maximum 5A current is(specific resistance of wire 5*10^-7)

nahas , 7 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 2 Answers
Jhashank Dadhich

Last Activity: 6 Years ago

For ammeter setup formed using galvanometer
(i - ig) Rs  =  (ig) ×(Rg)
(5 - 0.05)Rs = 0.05×50
So  Rs = 0.50 =( rho) L/A
(5*10^-7)(L)/0.00297 = 0.50
So L = 2.97*10^-11
Rs = shunt resistor
Rg = resistance of galvanometer
ig = current in galvanometer 
i = total current given 

Jhashank Dadhich

Last Activity: 6 Years ago

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IT is not a correct question. So please provide units also.

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