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Sir,I am expecting 317 marks in AIEEE, subject wise (Chemistry - 119, Physics - 94, Maths - 104) according to your answers & FITJEE, I am from Tamilnadu and belongs to General Category. What would be my rank in both STATE & ALL INDIA ? Shall I get ECE/Comp Science in TRICHY/WARANGAL?I am expecting 197 marks in IITJEE, subject wise (Chemistry - 69, Physics - 67, Maths - 61) according to your answers & FITJEE. what would my rank? Is there any chance of getting seat in ELECTRICAL/COMPUTER SCIENCE/MECHANICAL in OLD IIT'S?PLEASE ADVISE!Thanks

Vignesh Lokanath Chowdhary , 15 Years ago
Grade Upto college level
anser 1 Answers
Vijay Luxmi Askiitiansexpert

Last Activity: 15 Years ago

Hi Vignesh,

In IIT JEE your expected rank will be 4001 - 5000 . You can opening and closing rank in IIT acc to 2008. click www.askiitians.com/iit-jee-2009-rank.aspx

And in AIEEE, your expected all india rank will be between 500 - 1000. And you can check opening and closing rank in AIEEE by clicking link www.askiitians.com/aieee-counselling/aieee-engineering-counsellings.aspx


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