
hai i'm sneha i'm going 2 attend iitjee this 11th april2010. so plz say me some tips and tricks to score more marks

hai i'm sneha i'm going 2 attend iitjee this 11th april2010.  so plz say me some tips and tricks to score more marks


1 Answers

AskiitianExpert Pramod-IIT-R
47 Points
14 years ago

Dear Sneha;

First of all match your study timing with JEE exam timing so that you will feel comfortable at JEE. First of all solve chemistry problem and then physics then mathmatics. and save 30 min to dark circles. after solve each part start to dark cicles 30 min before the schedules. You will dark all the answer within 15 min. after that again try to solve problem and dark the circle immidiatly because you will have only 15 last mins. By this you can solve more question.

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