
help me my permutations & combinations, probability sections are weak give me solution that what category of questions ishould prepare for?

help me my permutations & combinations, probability sections are weak give me solution that what category of questions ishould prepare for?


2 Answers

Badiuddin askIITians.ismu Expert
148 Points
14 years ago

Dear divyam tyagi

If you are prepearing for exam like IIT JEE then you must prepear whole syllabus.permutation ,combination ,probability are conceptual but but simpler topic as compair to other topicsin maths.

you can very well score in these topic .

follow the Arihan prakashan book for Probability.

you can restrict yourself to a perticular type of question if you will see last year papers then you will find varity of question in these topics( but easy one)

 so i will suggest you to study complete chapter.

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Ramesh V
70 Points
14 years ago

Dear Tyagi,

I suggest you to leave these 2 topics and prepare/practise alot from other topics as time is very less.

dont loose u r confidence on it

Maths is a scoring subject and so give u best at these prob. and perm & comb. and get full pledged at other topics like algebra, geometry,calculus etc....




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