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i want to be an automobile engineer and i want to know my career in this field no matter what so ever be the placement.

avinash rai , 15 Years ago
Grade Upto college level
anser 1 Answers
AskiitianExpert Pramod-IIT-R

Last Activity: 15 Years ago

Dear student Mr. Avinash,

 Top colleges are only IIT in India but you will not find specific name in IIT. because if you will tell only automobile that is a not a simple and  one work. all mechanical branchs cover this in IITs and after that you can choose your elective subject as a automobile. in automobile , not only mechanical branch is involve but also architect modeeling of automobile, that why new models are coming. Dear student, Think big , automobile is a part of mechnical branch and IITs are the best college in india that is why Automobile in these college are the best. you will be eligible for job where mechanical engineers are eligible like tata motors, tata steel, bpcl, hpcl,tata power,ashok lyland etc.

Try to score a good rank (under 1000 in IITJEE) so that you can choose this branch in IIT

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