Flag Most Scoring Topics in IIT JEE> scoring topics...
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With just a few months left for the iitjee exam and the other engineering exams, i am eager to know that which topics are the most scoring topics for iit jee. Even though its obvious that one has to cover all topics carefully, still i want to know that in which topics in the exam can a student give a sure shot answer. Please tell..........................

Utkarsh Kumar , 15 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
Badiuddin askIITians.ismu Expert

Last Activity: 15 Years ago


For iit jeee there is no fixed weitage, it  vary from year to year...
f you will see the pattern of last year papers,then you will find that question were framed in such a way that it include more than one   chaptre. and in whole paper almost entire syllabus are covered .so it is not advisable to leave any topic.

But the important topics from which more question were asked.........


difinite intigral, Vectors, Complex numbers, co-ordinate geometry(2D+3D) Quadratic equations.


Optics, Modern physics, Thermodynamics, A/C circuits, Fluid mechanics, Experiments.


Solid state, chemica bonding, Aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, Alkenes,

                alkynes, stereo and geometrical isomerism, transition elements, coordiantion compounds,

               electro chemistry, kinetics and equilibrium.

but I will suggest you to cover alll the topics and give more stress on above given topics.

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