Vijay Luxmi Askiitiansexpert
Last Activity: 15 Years ago
Organic Chemistry' has the highest weightage Topics like 'Isomerism' and 'Name Reactions', and 'Stability of reaction intermediates' should be thoroughly covered. It is easier to remember the reactions and conversions involving aromatic compounds and a considerable percentage of questions from organic chemistry are based on this part. An understanding of directive influence of substituent groups, resonance and mechanism of reactions definitely helps in cracking the problems of organic chemistry.
'Electrostatics and Current Electricity', and 'Electromagnetism'-each of these topics has contributed much to the total marks in the past years. Students should devote enough preparation time to the coverage of Electromagnetism and Electrostatics; because together they constitute almost one-third of the total marks and can be more scoring as the degree of difficulty when compared to Mechanics is relatively low.
Choosing the right topics for maximum study is very important not only for clearing JEE but also for getting a high rank. Lots of topics in JEE syllabus require a huge lot of time, incomparable to that required by other topics. Spending too much time on these topics and ignoring other topics leads to drastic failure in rank.Lots of topics in JEE are very easy and are of NCERT level.The key to topping JEE is to maximize your scoring in these topics which boosts the rank. Many such topics require considerably less time and is much much less than the time required by certain other topics with proportionate marks.You should spend more time on these topics and try to earn full marks in such topics.I list a few of these topics:
MODERN PHYSICS AND ELECTRONICS :most of the questions easy and similar to past JEE questions.
WAVE OPTICS :most of the questions are similar to past JEE questions
INORGANIC CHEMISTRY AND GENERAL CHEMISTRY :most of the questions are of NCERT level and are simple.
SOLID STATE :Most of the questions are very easy.
PROBABILITY AND DIFFERENTIATION :most of the questions are simple and NCERT level.
DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS :most of the questions are similar to past JEE questions.