Flag Most Scoring Topics in IIT JEE> biforcation of marks...
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what is the biforcation of marks in physics....as in how much weightage is given to which subtopics. my physics is kinda weak and i wish to concentrate more on the areas whoose weightage is more. so please advise the topics having a large weightage in jee!!

Samvit Lakda , 13 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 1 Answers
rohit rathi

Last Activity: 13 Years ago

Mechanical physics has been outdated now a days but it still forms base of classical physics.So don't go much deeper in topics of mechanics,on the other hand electrostatics,magnetism,optics,waves,modern physics,heat and thermodynamics are emerging topics and have much weightage in every entrance,so concentrate on these topics.........best of luck!

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