
what can be the most scoring units in jee 2012?

what can be the most scoring units in jee 2012?


1 Answers

Ashwin Sinha
520 Points
13 years ago
Dear Gautam, imp. topics for JEE in maths: vectors , 3D , Complex nos, circle , matrices , probab, parabola , circle ,. AOD , Def. integ , in phy: rotation , electrostats , magnetics , current electricity , SHM , waves and sound , heat nd thermo , ray optics , modern phy....... in chem: solid state , electrochem , thermodynamics organic in whole is imp. ( u must be knowin that already) chemical bonding , P block , and d block and coordination chem.. Good Luck!!!!!!! Plz. approve by clicking 'Yes' given below!!!!!!!! Plz. Plz. Plz.!!!!!!!!!

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