Flag Most Scoring Topics in IIT JEE> in physics...
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which topic is more scoring in physics and easy also

subhash sharma , 14 Years ago
anser 1 Answers
Vijay Luxmi Askiitiansexpert

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Hi Subhash,

Try to study all the topics with concentration and make sure that you can attempt any type of question related to the topic that you have studied and i m giving u some scoring n easy topics so dat u can plan accordingly......

usually topics of 12th class is relatively easier compratively to topics of 11th...... In 12th topics , i wud suggest u dat modern physics is d most easiest topic in iit jee and u can score very high as its weightage is also good so if u can score in this topic den u r always better placed ,,,,,after this i wud suggest dat waves and simple harmonic motion r some easy topics from class 11, again for 12th ,magnetism & current r scoring topics........


All the Best !!

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