Flag Most Scoring Topics in IIT JEE> what are the most scoring topics in physi...
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what are the most scoring topics in physics,chemistry and maths?

sukirt singh , 14 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
rajan jha

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Mathematics Cordinate Geometry-Easy and scoring Calculus-Range, domain,limit,Differential and integral calculus Area under curve Maxima Minima Algebra-Series(AP,GP,HP),quadratic Trigonometry Physics Mechanics-Kinematics Thermodynamics, waves,modern physics-Easy and scoring Electrostatics and electromagnetic induction Chemistry Physical Chemistry :-Gaseous and liquid states, Chemical Kinetics, Chemical Equilibrium, Solid State Inorganic Chemistry:- qualitative analysis, Transition elements (3d series) Organic Chemistry: alkanes, alkenes and alkynes, Reactions of benzene aldehydes and ketones.

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