
What r the most scring topics in inorganic chemistry for IIT JEE?

What r the most scring topics in inorganic chemistry for IIT JEE?


3 Answers

suryakanth AskiitiansExpert-IITB
105 Points
14 years ago

Dear Komal,

The most scoring topics in inorganic chemistry is Qualitative Analysis, if you are through with this topic it bulids a lot of confidnce in you and it is very easy, believe me.Just need to understand these reactions and they are very easy to remember.Then comes S & P block elements this will become easy after you are comfortable with qualitative analysis.Then coordination compounds.

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Askiitians Expert

Suryakanth –IITB

Souradeep Majumder
80 Points
14 years ago

extractions of metal and metallurgy................................


approve my answer........................................................

i iit
27 Points
13 years ago

chemical bonding

qualitative analysis,

Transition elements (3d series)

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