
What is an intrinsic semiconductor?define intrinsic semiconductor

What is an intrinsic semiconductor?define intrinsic semiconductor


2 Answers

teppala Aditi
24 Points
3 years ago
Semiconductors that are chemically pure, in other words, free from impurities are termed as intrinsic semiconductors. The number of holes and electrons is therefore determined by the properties of the material itself instead of the impurities. In intrinsic semiconductors, the number of excited electrons is equal to the number of holes; n = p. They are also termed as undoped semiconductors or i-type semiconductors. Silicon and germanium are examples of i-type semiconductors. These elements belong to the IVth Group of the periodic table and their atomic numbers are 14 and 32 respectively.
32 Points
3 years ago
Semiconductor that are chemically pure means they are free from impurities like Aluminum or Phosphate is called INTRINSIC SSEMICONDUCTOR.

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