
Threshold frequency of a surface is nu not. It is illuminated by 3nu not frequency, then maximum speed of photo electrons is Vm/s. What will be maximum speed if incident frequency is 9nu not

Threshold frequency of a surface is nu not. It is illuminated by 3nu not frequency, then maximum speed of photo electrons is Vm/s. What will be maximum speed if incident frequency is 9nu not


1 Answers

25750 Points
4 years ago
3v=v+K1K1=2v-----(1)9v=v+KE2KE2=8v-----(2)(1)÷(2)KE1|KE2=2v|8vV^2|(V2)^2=1|4Therefore;V2=2VI used v instead of (nu-not)and V for velocity 

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