
The work function of two metals A &B are 2eV &5eV .which of these is suitable for photocell ising visible light.give reasons

The work function of two metals A &B are 2eV &5eV .which of these is suitable for photocell ising visible light.give reasons


2 Answers

Mahima Kanawat
1010 Points
6 years ago
Dear student ...The metal having less work function is suitable for photocell i.e.,A (2eV) because when work function is less , less energy is required to excite electrons and photo electric current is produced easily .....With Regards....Mahima...(askIITians forum expert )
768 Points
6 years ago
The range of energy of visible light is 1.8ev to 3.1ev . So metal having work function of 2ev can be used in photocell .. 

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