The wavelength of first line of lyman series of hydrogen is equal to the second line of Balmer series for hydrogen like ion. The atomic no. Z of hydrogen like ion is.A) 3B)4C) 1D)2
Parul Rajput , 7 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
1 Answers
Last Activity: 7 Years ago
Wave length of first line of lyman series means the transition is from 2 to 1 thus the wave no acc to formula 1/lamda is equal to R*Z^2 1/n1^2 -1/n2^2. Is 4/3 and similaraly for balmer it is 16/3 and comparing two equatioms we get Z^2=4 thus Z is 2....lamda is wavelength and n1 n2 are orbits
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