
The temperature of the surface of the sun is approximately 5800 K. To what light frequency and wavelength does that correspond?

The temperature of the surface of the sun is approximately 5800 K. To what light frequency and wavelength does that correspond?

Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

Aditya Gupta
2086 Points
4 years ago
hello anes, i guess this will help:
The spectrum of a blackbody is continuous (it gives off some light at all wavelengths), and it has a peak at a specific wavelength. The peak of the blackbody curve in a spectrum moves to shorter wavelengths for hotter objects. If you think in terms of visible light, the hotter the blackbody, the bluer the wavelength of its peak emission. For example, the sun has a temperature of approximately 5800 Kelvin. A blackbody with this temperature has its peak at approximately 500 nanometers, which is the wavelength of the color yellow. A blackbody that is twice as hot as the sun (about 12000 K) would have the peak of its spectrum occur at about 250 nanometers, which is in the UV part of the spectrum.
also, c= fλ, so u cn easily calculate f or λ if one of them is known
kindly approve :)

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