Ashutosh Mittal
Last Activity: 3 Years ago
(i) We know that ionization energy of an hydrogen like atom
is given as
E1_, 00 =RchZ2 lu-~
=> E,---,oo = Reh Z2
Here it is given that £ 1..., 00 = 4 rydberg = 4 Reh joule thus, we
have ·
Z2 =4
Thus the wavelength emitted when e- makes a transition from
J_ =RZ2 [_!__ __ !] 1', 12 22
=> ";.,-,-r ~ 10967800 X 4 X l ~ , A, 4 * ""32903400
· 1'.=304A
(ii) Radius of 11th orbit of a hydrogenic atom having atomic
number Z is given as
r,,=0.529 x 2 A
HereZ= 2 and 11 = l thus radius of first orbit is
l r=0.529 x 2 A