
The disintigration constant of a radioactive element is 0.00231 per day.find the half light and average light?

The disintigration constant of a radioactive element is 0.00231 per day.find the half light and average light?


3 Answers

28 Points
4 years ago
The disintigration constant of a radioactive element is 0.00231 per day.find the half light and average light?
25750 Points
4 years ago
Dear student
Half light and average light, I am listening these terms first time, Please elaborate ot attach an image. I will be happy to help you.
Hope ypu understand.
Vikas TU
14149 Points
4 years ago
Dear student 
Please elaborate Hal light and average lght , 
You can also attach an image . …..............
Good Luck 

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