Flag Modern Physics> Potassium isotope has a half life of 1.37...
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Potassium isotope has a half life of 1.37 × 10 raise to 9 years and decays to an isotope of Argon which is stable.In a particular sample of moon rock the ratio of potassium atoms to Argon atoms was found to be 1:7 .Therefore the age of Rock assuming that originally there was no Argon present is?

Natasha , 5 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers

Last Activity: 5 Years ago

Dear student
after every half life, number of potassium isotopes becomes half of its initial value, then after 4 half lifes, the number of potassium isotopes becomes 1/8 of its initial number.
Please let me know if this is correct then only I will share complete solution.

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