
it is said that only moving charges produce magnetic fields. then if a person moving with some velocity observes a charged body moving wid respect to him but in rest wid respect to earth would the magnetic field be produced or not wid respect to him as he would for sure apply formul for magnetic fields by moving charges! (discuss)

it is said that only moving charges produce magnetic fields. then if a person moving with some velocity observes a charged body moving wid respect to him but in rest wid respect to earth would the magnetic field be produced or not wid respect to him as he would for sure apply formul for magnetic fields by moving charges! (discuss)


2 Answers

shubham sharda
360 Points
9 years ago
Yes!., in the refernce frame of the moving person, the moving charge should produce a magnetic field.
69 Points
9 years ago
No. Magnetic field is not frame dependent. According to Biot Savart's law, current is a must in order to produce magetic field.
Even though the charge is moving with respect to the person, it is at rest with repect to the absolute frame of reference. Therefore, unless the charge is actually moving, it cannot produce a magnetic field.
If it were true, then a stationary charge should've been able to induce some EMF inside a moving loop.

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