
If the first excitation potential of an atom is 20V its first excitation potential will be

If the first excitation potential of an atom is 20V its first excitation potential will be


1 Answers

Vikas TU
14149 Points
7 years ago
Excitaion potential can be calculated using Ionisation potential as:
Ionisation poetential is the poetential calculate from the orbit n=1 to the n = infinity and that is given as:
E = > 13.6*z^2
z^2 = 20/13.6............(1)
Excitation energy is given as : => -13.6*(z^2/4 – z^2/1)
from eqn. (1) we get,
=> -13.6*(5/13.6 – 20/13.6)
=> 15 V

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