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defined the `bernoulies`theorem

theja , 10 Years ago
Grade 9
anser 1 Answers
Nirmal Singh.

Last Activity: 10 Years ago

An idealized algebraic relation between pressure, velocity, and elevation for flow of an inviscid fluid. Its most commonly used form is for steady flow of an incompressible fluid, and is given by the

equation below, where p is {p \over \rho} + {V^2 \over 2} + {gz} = {\rm constant} pressure, ? is fluid density (assumed constant), V is flow velocity, g is the acceleration of gravity and z is the elevation of the fluid particle. The relation applies along any particular streamline of the flow. The constant may vary across streamlines unless it can be further shown that the fluid has zero local angular velocity.

The above equation may be extended to steady compressible flow (where changes in ? are important) by adding the internal energy per unit mass, e, to the left-hand side.

The equation is limited to inviscid flows with no heat transfer, shaft work, or shear work. Although no real fluid truly meets these conditions, the relation is quite accurate in free-flow or “core” regions away from solid boundaries or wavy interfaces, especially for gases and light liquids. Thus Bernoulli's theorem is commonly used to analyze flow outside the boundary layer, flow in supersonic nozzles, flow over airfoils, and many other practical problems.

Nirmal Singh
Askiitians faculty

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