Flag Modern Physics> a photon of energy 10.2 eV collides inela...
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a photon of energy 10.2 eV collides inelastically wid a stationary hydrogen atom(in ground state). After a few micro-second another photon of energy 15 eV collides wid d same hydrogen atom...wich of d foll wil b detected by a suitable detector?a) one photon of 10.2eV and an electron of energy 1.4 ev.b)one photon of 3.4eV and an electron of energy 10.2 ev.c) 2 photons of energy 10.2 eVd) 2 photons of energy 3.4 eV

Simran Bhatia , 11 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 2 Answers

Last Activity: 5 Years ago

Due to 10.2 eV photon one photon of energy 20.2eV will be detected. Due to 15 photon the electron will come out of the atom with energy;


Last Activity: 5 Years ago

Sry wrongly type 20.2eV it is 10.2eV.photon have energy 10.2ev.so one photon of energy 10.2eV will be detected

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