
A photon of 6eV is incident on a metal surface and the emitted electron is stopped by a retarding potential of -5eV .What will be the work function of the metal??

A photon of 6eV is incident on a metal surface and the emitted electron is stopped by a retarding potential of -5eV .What will be the work function of the metal??

Grade:12th pass

2 Answers

Abhishek Kumar
askIITians Faculty 255 Points
9 years ago
As the electron is stopped by -5eV,
KE = 5eV
So, Work function of the metal = 6eV – 5eV = 1eV
Anish Bhusal
11 Points
9 years ago
By einstein’s photoelectric eqn, 
Work function= incident energy – retarding potential 
So, workfunction= 1eV

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