A 66 kiloton atomic bomb is fuelled with pure
U, 4.0% of which actually undergoes
fission. [i] How much uranium is in the bomb? [ii] How many fission fragments are
produced? [iii] How many neutrons generated in the fissions are released to the
environment? (On an average, each fission of
U produces 2.5 neutrons. A bomb’s
rating is the magnitude of the released energy, specified in terms of the mass of TNT
required to produce the same energy release. One megaton [10
tons] of TNT releases
2.6 × 10
MeV of energy.)
A 66 kiloton atomic bomb is fuelled with pure
U, 4.0% of which actually undergoes
fission. [i] How much uranium is in the bomb? [ii] How many fission fragments are
produced? [iii] How many neutrons generated in the fissions are released to the
environment? (On an average, each fission of
U produces 2.5 neutrons. A bomb’s
rating is the magnitude of the released energy, specified in terms of the mass of TNT
required to produce the same energy release. One megaton [10
tons] of TNT releases
2.6 × 10
MeV of energy.)
U, 4.0% of which actually undergoes
fission. [i] How much uranium is in the bomb? [ii] How many fission fragments are
produced? [iii] How many neutrons generated in the fissions are released to the
environment? (On an average, each fission of
U produces 2.5 neutrons. A bomb’s
rating is the magnitude of the released energy, specified in terms of the mass of TNT
required to produce the same energy release. One megaton [10
tons] of TNT releases
2.6 × 10
MeV of energy.)