
A 2.0 Kg bucket is hanging motionless from a rope , assume the rope has no mass , What is the net force acting on the bucket ?

A 2.0 Kg bucket is hanging motionless from a rope , assume the rope has no mass , What is the net force acting on the bucket ?


2 Answers

25750 Points
6 years ago
There are two forces acting along the same line. They are: 1 gravitational force. 2. Tension in the rope. Gravity is vertically down wards and tension vertically upward. When the bucket is at rest, these two forces are balanced. Therefore, The net force of bucket - rope system is zero. When you consider the bucket alone, then the force on it is MassXg=> 2.0X9.8N =>19.6N
dax soni
11 Points
6 years ago
The figure shows a bucket hanging motionless
from a rope. Assume that the rope has no mass.
What is the net force on the bucket?

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