
For a hypothetical H like atom which follows Bohr’s model, some spectral lines were observed as shown. If it is known that line ‘E’ belongs to the visible region, then the lines possibly belonging to ultra violet region will be (n 1 is not necessarily ground state). [Assume for this atom, no spectral series shows overlaps with other series in the emission spectrum] (A) B and D (B) D only (C) C only (D) A only

For a hypothetical H like atom which follows Bohr’s model, some spectral lines were observed as shown. If it is known that line ‘E’ belongs to the visible region, then the lines possibly belonging to ultra violet region will be (n1 is not necessarily ground state).


        [Assume for this atom, no spectral series shows overlaps with other series in the emission spectrum]


        (A)    B and D

        (B)    D only

        (C)    C only

        (D)    A only

Grade:upto college level

1 Answers

Aditi Chauhan
askIITians Faculty 396 Points
10 years ago



Sol.   In the given figure if line ‘E’ is in visible region then line beglonging to ultraviolet region will have more energy than ‘E’ i.e. line A

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